
Playing Holiday Music and Why It's Not Now!

You hear them sleighbells ringing? It’s too early!

The cooler weather is settling in and the leaves are turning red, orange and yellow. As Halloween has been and gone, some believe it’s time to crank out those holiday tunes, but is it too early?

When it comes to busting out those holiday tunes, it's all about personal preference and where you're at. In Canada, some folks kick off the jingles right after Thanksgiving in October. Others wait until after Halloween before getting into the festive beats. That's kind of when the unofficial holiday season kicks off, gearing up for all the Christmas and New Year's fun!

There are a few reasons why waiting until after the American Thanksgiving to start playing holiday music is appropriate.

Cheering For Other Holidays

Many people prefer to give each holiday its own space and time for celebration. Playing holiday music too early might overshadow or diminish the importance of other holidays like Halloween or Thanksgiving.

That Real-Time Connection 

Holiday music is closely tied to nostalgia and the spirit of the season. Starting too early might dilute the special feeling and excitement that comes with hearing these songs- and who wants that?!

However, the exact timing varies. Some individuals and even commercial entities start playing holiday music as early as late October or early November to create a festive atmosphere and extend the season's cheer. Others prefer to wait until December to embrace the holiday spirit fully.

Ultimately, the "right" time to start playing holiday music is a personal choice. So, personally, we’re waiting until December - but the choice is up to you! Cheers to the holidays!

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