Coors Light ® Collect and Chill 2024 Q1 Contest

(the “Contest”)


1. ELIGIBILITY: To be eligible to enter and win, you must be 19 years of age or older  and a resident of Newfoundland and Labrador. You are not eligible to enter or win, if  you are: a) an employee of Molson Canada 2005 (the “Sponsor”), its affiliates and  related companies, advertising or promotional agencies, the contest judging  organization, any participating stores or the prize suppliers; b) an employee or  contractor of a provincial liquor authority, a beer distribution company or a participating  licensed establishment, or, any liquor licensee authorized by a provincial liquor  authority; c) anyone involved in the development and/or administration of the Contest;

or d) a member of the immediate family (defined as parents, siblings, children and  spouse, regardless of where they live) or household (whether related or not) of any of  the above persons. 

2. HOW TO ENTER: Contest begins on or around June 16, 2024 and ends on October 1, 2024, or while supplies last, whichever comes first. Randomly seeded amongst  specially marked 12 x 355 mL can packs of Coors Light and No Purchase entry cards  will be a total of 70,681 Collect & Chill game cards (each a “Card”). For those  requesting a Card without product purchase, see Rule 3 below. To enter, collect  stickers from your Collect & Chill Card, if you find a Card with an instant win 473ml  Coors Light or 6x355ml Coors Seltzer message, you are eligible to win that  corresponding prize. Follow the Prize Claim instructions in Rule 7. If the Card reveals  a collectible prize item, collect and match all 4 of the applicable collectible prize item

and you are eligible to win that corresponding Secondary or Grand Prize. Follow the Prize Claim instructions in Rule 7. Contest closes October 1, 2024 (the “Contest  Close Date”).

3. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY: To obtain a Collect & Chill Card without product  purchase while supplies last, mail an original hand-written 100 word essay on the topic  “Why Coors Light is one of your favourite beers?” (the “Essay”) along with your  name, date of birth and full address and a hand-printed, self-addressed envelope, to:  Coors Light ® Collect & Chill c/o Molson Coors Canada, 131 Circular Rd., St. John’s,  NL A1C 5W1. Upon receipt of the Essay, a Card will be sent directly to the address  provided by the Essay writer. Each request must be submitted by the entrant  him/herself and be sent in a separate envelope with sufficient postage. Only original,  legible Essays will be accepted; no duplicates or mechanical reproductions. Limit: one  (1) Card per Essay request per outer stamped envelope. For timely processing and  return requests must be received by and no later than October 16, 2024. 

4. INSTANT WIN PRIZES: There are a total of 23,560 (21,240 Coors Light 473ml and 2,356 Coors Light 8x355ml) instant win prizes (each an “Instant Win Prize”) available  to be won. Each Instant Win Prize consists of one (1) 473 mL can of Coors Light or

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one (1) 8x355ml can pack of Coors Light. The odds of winning an Instant Win Prize  are 1 in 3.

5. SECONDARY PRIZES: There are one hundred (100) secondary prizes (each a,  “Secondary Prize”) in total available to be won. See chart below for Secondary Prize  breakdown. The number of prizes* available to be won will diminish as prizes are  claimed throughout the Contest.

Secondary Prizing*

Total No. 

Avail. To 

be won



value in 



Odds of 


Smart Watch



1 in 4,712

Mountain Bike



1 in 14,136

Action Camera



1 in 4,712




1 in 2,356




1 in 2,019



6. GRAND PRIZES: There are two (2) grand prizes (each a, “Grand Prize”) available to  be won. Each Grand Prize consists of one (1) Argo Magnum XF 500 LE. The  approximate value of each Grand Prize is $14,500.00 CAD.

Grand Prize winner shall be solely responsible for any, and all costs not expressly  described herein, including but without limitation, title, insurance, registering (if  applicable) or as well as any taxes or other expenses that may be applicable. The  odds of winning a Grand Prize is 1 in 35,341.

The Instant Win Prizes, Secondary Prizes and Grand Prizes will occasionally be  referred to in these Official Contest Rules collectively as “Prizes” or each individually  as a “Prize”. 

Prize item images used in promotional materials are for illustrative purposes only and  may not be exactly shown. Prizes are not transferable or assignable and must be  accepted as awarded with no substitutions in cash or otherwise, except at Sponsor’s  sole discretion. Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion to  substitute a Prize of equivalent monetary value, if a Prize or any part of the Prize,  cannot be awarded as described for any reason. The Releasees (as defined below)  will not be responsible, however, if weather conditions, event cancellations, or other  factors beyond Sponsor’s reasonable control prevent a Prize or any part of a Prize  from being fulfilled. In any such event, winner will not be provided with a substitute  Prize or cash equivalent. Prizes will only be released to the verified winners. Return of  any Prize/Prize notification as undeliverable may result in disqualification and selection  of an alternate eligible winner. Limit: one (1) Secondary Prize or Grand Prize per  household.

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7. PRIZE CLAIMS: If you find an Instant Win Card, you are eligible to win the  corresponding prize. For INSTANT WIN PRIZING, take your winning Card to the  nearest participating retail store for verification. In order, to claim his/her Instant Win  Prize, a winner MUST present winning Card along with valid photo identification.  Failure to do so may result in forfeiture of Prize. To claim Secondary Prizing, visit and follow the instructions in the Contest link

and to claim Grand Prize, please call 1-800-MOLSON1. All Prizes MUST be claimed  ON OR BEFORE OCTOBER 30, 2024 (“PRIZE CLAIM DEADLINE”). To be declared  a winner of any Prize, you will be required to correctly answer, without assistance of  any kind, whether mechanical or otherwise, a time-limited mathematical skill-testing  question, to be administered in person, by email or, by phone. For the Grand Prize,  you will be required to submit all four matching Grand Prize Cards together for  verification as instructed. WINNING GRAND PRIZE CARDS MUST BE RECEIVED  FOR VERIFICATION ON OR BEFORE 5:00 pm (NF) ON NOVEMBER 6, 2024  (“Verification Deadline Date”). Failure to do so may result in forfeiture of Grand Prize.

Mail the winning Grand Prize Cards along with your complete name, telephone  number, address, age, and current date on a piece of paper to: COORS LIGHT®  Collect and Chill Win Contest, c/o Molson Coors Canada 131 Circular Rd, St. John’s,  N.L. A1C 5W1. Registered mail is recommended. Verification will occur within four (4)  weeks of receipt of your Card or as soon after such period as is reasonably possible.  If you have any difficulty or questions on how to redeem your Prize Claim, you may call  1-800-MOLSON1.

8. RELEASES, ETC.: Before being declared a winner, a selected entrant may be  required to sign a Declaration of Compliance and a Release of Liability form, which  (among other things): (i) confirms compliance with these Official Contest Rules; (ii)  acknowledges acceptance of the applicable Prize as awarded; (iii) releases the  Sponsor, its advertising and promotional agencies, any contest judging organization,  provincial liquor authorities, beer distribution companies, parent companies  and affiliates of the foregoing and all of their respective directors, officers, owners,  partners, employees, agents, representatives, successors and assigns (collectively,  the “Releasees”) from any and all liability in connection with this Contest, his/her  participation therein and/or the awarding, use and/or misuse of the Prize or any portion  thereof; and (iv) agrees to the publication, reproduction and/or other use of his/her  name, address, voice, statements about the Contest and/or photograph or other  likeness without further notice or compensation, in any publicity or advertisement  carried out by or on behalf of the Sponsor in any manner whatsoever, including print,  broadcast or the internet. DECLARATION OF COMPLIANCE AND RELEASE OF  LIABILITY FORM WILL BE REQUIRED FOR ALL SECONDARY AND GRAND PRIZE WINNERS. The Releasees do not make, nor in any manner are responsible or liable  for: (i) any warranty, guarantee or representation, expressed or implied, in fact or in  law relative to any Prize, including but not limited to its quality, merchantability, fitness  for purpose or mechanical condition; and (ii) are not liable for injury, loss or damage of  any kind resulting from the acceptance, use and/or misuse of any Prize, travel related  thereto (as applicable), or otherwise from participation in this Contest. Declaration and

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Release documents must be returned within the time-period indicated in the  documents or the applicable Prize will be forfeited. 

9. PERSONAL INFORMATION: By entering this Contest, entrants consent to the  collection, use and disclosure of their personal information for the purposes of  administering the Contest including, but not limited to, for the purpose of receiving one or more messages, whether electronic or not, from the Sponsor or its designated representative, which may provide entrants with information regarding the Contest or otherwise further the administration of the Contest. The entrant will be deemed to have solicited these messages from the Sponsor by virtue of entering the Contest. By  accepting any Prize, the winners consent to the collection, use and disclosure to the  public of their names, addresses (city, province/territory), voices, statements and  photographs or other likenesses for publicity purposes in connection with the Contest  in any media or formats, including but not limited to the Internet, without further notice,  permission or compensation. Personal information will not otherwise be used or  disclosed without consent. This section does not limit any other consent(s) that an  individual may provide the Sponsor or others in relation to the collection, use and/or  disclosure of their personal information. 

10. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY: Without limiting the limitations of liability set forth  elsewhere in these Official Contest Rules and/or the Declaration of Compliance and  Release of Liability, and for greater certainty, the Releasees will not be liable for: a)  any incomplete or inaccurate information, which may occur in the submitting and/or  processing of winning Cards; b) the theft, loss, destruction or unauthorized access to,  or alteration of, winning Cards; c) any typographical or other errors in the offer or  administration of this Contest, including but not limited to errors in advertising, these  Official Contest Rules, the selection (if applicable) and/or announcement of eligible  winner(s), and/or the distribution of any Prize(s); and/or e) any combination of the  above. 

11. ERRORS, ETC.: Any Cards, packaging or other materials used in this Contest that  have been tampered with, mutilated, altered, forged, reproduced, not legitimately  obtained, are illegible, broken or otherwise damaged or which contain or reflect  printing, production or other errors will be void. 

12. RIGHT TO TERMINATE OR AMEND: Sponsor reserves the right to terminate or  amend this Contest, in whole or in part, at any time and without prior notice if any factor  interferes with its proper conduct as contemplated by these Official Contest Rules.  Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Sponsor further reserves the right to  terminate this Contest, in whole or in part, should any error in production, distribution,  seeding, printing or any other event or error result in more than the stated number of  Prizes of any category being claimed or in the event, that a winner does not claim  his/her Prize within the required time as described in these Official Contest Rules. In  any such event, the Prizes not yet awarded may be awarded in a random drawing  amongst all eligible claimants who have not yet received a Prize. In any such drawing,

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the selected entrant must correctly answer a mathematical skill-testing question  without assistance of any kind, whether mechanical or otherwise (which will be  administered by phone or mail) and execute any documents as may be required before  being declared a winner.

13. MISCELLANEOUS: Claimants who have not complied with these Official Contest  Rules are subject to disqualification from this Contest and any future contest or other  promotion conducted by Sponsor. All decisions of Sponsor, or any contest judging  organization designated by Sponsor, are final and binding without right of appeal in all  matters relating to this Contest. The Releasees will not be responsible for illegible,  incomplete, lost, postage-due, misdirected or late Prize claims, all of which will be void.  All winning Cards become the property of Sponsor and will not be returned. No  correspondence will be entered into except with eligible claimants (or any other  claimant/entrant(s) as deemed necessary by the Sponsor). Contest is subject to all  applicable federal, provincial and municipal laws. 

Sponsor reserves the right at its sole discretion to disqualify, from this Contest and  any future Contest or other promotion conducted by Sponsor, any individual that it  finds or believes to be not in compliance with these Official Contest Rules; to be  tampering with the Prize claim process or the operation of the Contest; or to be acting  in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner, or with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten  or harass any other person. ANY ATTEMPT BY A CLAIMANT OR ANY OTHER  PERSON TO UNDERMINE THE LEGITIMATE OPERATION OF THE CONTEST IS  A VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAWS AND, SHOULD SUCH AN ATTEMPT  BE MADE, SPONSOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO SEEK DAMAGES FROM ANY  SUCH PERSON TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. 

Subject only to applicable law and any required regulatory approval, the Sponsor  reserves the right and without prior notice, to adjust any of the dates and/or  timeframes stipulated in these Official Contest Rules, to the extent necessary, for  purposes of verifying compliance by any claimant or winning Card(s) with these  Official Contest Rules, or as a result of any other problems, or in light of any other  circumstances which, in the opinion of the Sponsor affects the proper administration  of the Contest as contemplated in these Official Contest Rules, or for any other reason.

In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between the terms and conditions of  these English Official Contest Rules and disclosures or other statements contained in  any Contest-related materials, the terms and conditions of these English Official  Contest Rules shall prevail, govern and control to the fullest extent permitted by  applicable law.

14.LIQUOR AUTHORITIES: The provincial liquor authorities are not connected with this  Contest in any manner whatsoever and are not liable in any way whatsoever with  regards to any matter relating to this Contest.